CLARISA (CGIAR Level Agricultural Results Interoperable System Architecture) Is a web service that helps to transform raw data on CGIAR research and activities into meaningful information that can shape how we work, and reveal what our impacts are on development – on reducing poverty, improving food and nutrition security for health, and improving natural resources and ecosystem services.

In programming terms, CLARISA is a REST-API, which means it is a type of web service that enables computer systems to work together over the Internet. CLARISA enables systems like MARLO, MEL and others to communicate with each other, finds common ground in their data, and produces standardized, aggregated information in the language needed for System-level reports. It works by using control lists of standardized key terms, such as those commonly used by the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Read more about CLARISA here


Annual Report Control Lists

CLARISA automates what would otherwise involve some laborious processes – by enabling the systems to communicate with each other it eliminates the need for multiple stages of data entry, and by standardizing and aggregating the resulting information, it allows internal and external users to explore the data from many different aspects using the CGIAR Results

One CGIAR Control Lists

CLARISA allows CGIAR and third party applications to use integrated data(Control List) between centers ,partners and others

Additional Services

CLARISA shares services with strategic partners who collaborate and exposes their tools for the CGIAR Community.

One CGIAR Operation

CLARISA supports OneCGIAR bussiness Operations and finance global group providing a API to Implement funtionalities to Corportate Performance management tool (CPM) to consolidate One CGIARR Budget and financial reporting.


CLARISA helps to transform the raw data of CGIAR research and activities into standardized and aggregated information. This is possible as the system represents the reference of interoperability principles and coding systems for other Management Information Systems (MISes) by providing control lists with codes (e.i., unique identifiers), data on common indicators can be seamlessly gathered from the systems adopting these codes and results compiled at a system-wide level.

Refer below to some of the products of adopting CLARISA:


The following numbers correspond to what the CGIAR Research Programs and Platforms have reported during 2018-2020


MELIA Studies






Peer Reviewed Papers


Outcome Impact Case Reports






CGIAR Research Programs

Related Publications

CLARISA unifies the language across different platforms, overcoming the common challenge of non-standardized information by supporting the Management Information Systems to communicate and exchange data and information using the same coding standards to collect and transform the raw data. This represents an essential step toward business intelligence and a more effective strategic and operational decision-making. For detailed information click here

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